Gaydio to air LGBTQ+ podcast takeover shows on Boxing Day

Some of the biggest LGBTQ+ podcasts in the UK will feature in a series of special shows airing on Gaydio on Boxing Day.
The Gossip Gays’ Danny Beard and Billy Andrew kick off the afternoon from 1pm, followed at 3pm by comedians Helen Bauer and Catherine Bohart from the Trusty Dogs podcast, and wrapping up the afternoon, it will be comedians Daniel Foxx and Dane Buckley from Welcome to Hell.
“It’s all about great entertainment this Boxing Day,” said Kriss Herbert-Noble, Network Content Director at Gaydio. “These podcasts bring the laughs, the drama, and the unfiltered fun that our audience loves. Get comfy, grab your leftovers, and let us do the rest!”
Paul Fernley of Audio Always, producers of The Gossip Gays and Trusty Hogs added: “We are so proud to celebrate queer lives on our network of Audio Always Original shows. The Gossip Gays and Trusty Hogs celebrate life in full technicolour, and we can’t wait to be introduced to new listeners on Gaydio this Christmas!”
Daniel Foxx and Dane Buckley, hosts of Welcome To Hell commented: “We’re super excited for our sinful little takeover of Gaydio – the natural home of Welcome to Hell, we feel. What says Boxing Day like revisiting some of our most outrageous confessions?”
Over the last year, Gaydio has worked alongside Audio Always, Off The Kerb, Beautiful Strangers and other independent podcast creators to build the offering of podcasts available to its audience.