DevonAir Radio’s first Toy Appeal attracts hundreds of pounds worth of toys

DevonAir Radio has raised hundreds of pounds worth of toys during its first local Toy Appeal.
Led by station owners Andy and Julie Green, the campaign gained the support of Exeter-based toy retailer Thomas Moore and appealed to listeners of the community station.
“We launched the idea in December — it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time,” said Station Manager Andy Green.
“Despite starting late, the response has been incredible. The sheer number of toys donated in such a short time is truly heartwarming.”
After the campaign, DevonAir’s Breakfast Show presenter Ben Clark delivered the toys to the Exeter Salvation Army, who ensured the gifts were distributed to families in need across the area.
“The generosity of our listeners has been amazing,” said Ben.
“One donation included two boxes with 24 boxed teddy bears! We received so many toys we couldn’t even display them all. I can’t believe how much we achieved this year, and I’m excited to see what we can accomplish when we start the campaign earlier next year in November.”
Julie added: “A massive thank you to everyone who donated and supported the appeal. Your kindness has made a real difference for so many local children.”
DevonAir Radio plans to make the toy appeal an annual tradition, aiming to spread even more holiday magic in the years to come.
Picture: Breakfast Presenter Ben Clark at Salvation Army