Vernon Kay to attempt caber toss during broadcast from Isle of Bute
As part of BBC Radio 2’s Let’s Move It, Vernon Kay will broadcast his show from Rothesay on the Isle of Bute on 23rd August.
Vernon announced the news on his show this morning that he’ll be doing his bit for the station’s six week campaign to get the nation moving and a bit more active this summer.
He’s been asking his listeners for suggestions as to what he could do for his own personal Let’s Move It challenge.
This morning, he revealed that on Friday 23rd August he’ll be attempting a caber toss in honour of the Bute Highland Games taking place that weekend. He will be broadcasting his Friday morning show from there where he’ll attempt his challenge live on air.
Over the next two weeks Vernon will be training for his Let’s Move It caber tossing challenge, which is he is calling his ‘Route To Bute’!
Vernon said: “Well there it is, we’ve got a plan – two weeks today, I’m going to attempt a caber toss for a Highland Games special live from the Isle of Bute in Scotland!
“I’d better get training, maybe even get myself a kilt as well as I get started on my Route to Bute! If you’d like to join me in getting a little bit fitter, then check out for some inspiration.”