50th small-scale DAB digital radio multiplex launched

The switch-on of the small-scale DAB digital radio multiplex in Shropshire today marks the 50th to be launched in the UK.
Muxnet UK is celebrating the occasion, having been involved in DAB for many years and more recently helping local broadcasters and community groups start their own.
The first permanent small scale DAB multiplex went on air in December 2021, and there has been a steady pace of launches, reaching the 50th landmark in just over two years.
Muxnet’s Technology lead, Nick Piggott, has been involved with DAB Digital Radio since its first UK trials in the late 1990s, and has been a longstanding champion of using innovative technologies and techniques to make DAB as accessible to broadcasters as FM has been.
He said: “I’m pleased that we’re realising a belief and a commitment that digital radio could be done better, and more cost-effectively, without compromising existing services or technical quality.
“Small Scale DAB has delivered more innovation in two years than the legacy approach has in the preceding 20. It really is a platform that is accessible to every kind of radio service.”
The Small Scale DAB licensing programme continues with the Round Four services launching during 2024, the results of a major licensing round in London & the South East expected soon, and a further wave of more than 25 licences to be advertised in April.