Ofcom approves Key Commitments change for Ujima Radio

Ujima Radio in Bristol has new Key Commitments now after Ofcom approved a recent change request.
As a result of this, Ujima Radio’s ‘community to be served’ and ‘character of service’ will change from a station that serves “people in the St Paul’s and Easton areas of Bristol” which “informs represents, educates, entertains, communicates and celebrates culture, heritage and diversity within the local BME communities” to a station that is “predominantly for people of African and Caribbean heritage in the St Paul’s and Easton areas of Bristol” which “informs represents, educates, entertains, communicates and celebrates culture, heritage and diversity within the local African/Caribbean communities.”
In addition, a requirement will be added to the Key Commitments that the station’s speech content should be “of local importance to our communities of interest,” and the current requirement that, over the course of a week, two non-English languages must be broadcast will be removed.
This will be replaced by a commitment that “the output is broadcast in English, and sometimes other languages of African heritage.”
Ofcom regularly approves Key Commitment change requests for community radio services and recommends stations ask for a change rather than struggle with their current key commitments.